A great partnership

Become our partner for cleaning and maintaining shopping trolleys and enjoy a lot of benefits!

Trolley Wash

The service with the Trolley Wash brings an incredible competitive advantage.

Partner network

Every one of our partner has access to our partner network.


Our partners are allowed to use our strong brand Trolley Wash Services.


How do you become a partner?

Get a Trolley Wash

Every partner has to use the Trolley Wash to do the services. Through this we ensure the highest quality possible.

Get certified

Get your employees trained and certified for operating the Trolley Wash. This ensures proper operation of the Trolley Wash.


And you are off to go. Acquire your own customers independent from us, with the Trolley Wash Services brand and we bring you additional contracts.

Interested? Get in touch with us!

+43 5242 / 90 820

Mon – Thu 08 am until 5 pm
and Fri 08 am bis 12 pm

Address Mooswinkl 7, 6134 Vomp

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